Range Rules
Firing Ranges

  Mantua |  Tremonton

The Federation operates two ranges, one in Tremonton and one in Mantua.
We are currently working to expand the Tremonton range to a 600 yard range.

http://bewf.org/rd_di.gif Mantua Range  http://bewf.org/rd_di.gif

The Mantua Range is located at 107 North Dam Road in Mantua.

Gun Range Rules --- Mantua Range


***Hours of operation: Daylight hours, 7-days a week. (Night shoot-contact Al first)***

***The covered 110 yard position is the only long range one!***

***Lock gate after entering and upon leaving.***


The basic Range Rules are as follow:


All shooters at Mantua must either be BEWF Designated Range Master, OR be accompanied and supervised by a Certified BEWF Range Master. NO EXCEPTIONS

  1. The lower range is for 110 yard rifle and 50 foot pistol shooting, No shotguns on lower range.
  2. On the lower range, you may shoot targets placed in the shooting lanes at different distances, do not leave and material in the shooting lane when done. (Rocks, boxes, targets brackets etc)
  3. The 50 foot and 110 yard targets both have noticeable berms behind them for safety.
  4. Only paper and or steel swinger targets properly posted are allowed. (No exploding targets are allowed)
  5. Clay bird shooting on upper range only, but is not recommended because of close proximity to the public highway, remove all boxes and hulls when done.
  6. The upper area pistol cannot be used when while the lower rifle/pistol range is in use. There is one hour time limit for each range if others are waiting. Members will need to alternate use if both ranges are needed.
  7. All shooting must be accomplished in a safe and responsible manner.
    1. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction
    2. Always keep your finger OFF the trigger until ready to shoot.
    3. Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
    4. Always be sure of your target and what is beyond.
    5. All firearms behind the firing line must be unloaded.
    6. All shooting must be done within the marked shooting lanes, and at the established target area with proper targets.
    7. All firing will cease and firearms actions will be cleared whenever targets are being changed or inspected along the firing line.
    8. Hearing and ear protection are recommended.
    9. Safety and common sense must be practiced at all times.
    10. NO alcoholic beverages are allowed in the range.
    11. NO tracer or armor piercing ammunition is allowed on the range.
    12. Do not shoot at the support posts for the target boards.
  8. No Bottles, cans, boxes or junk may be used for targets. Anyone using glass/boxes/junk, or leaving a mess will forfeit their membership.
  9. Each shooter is responsible for cleaning up brass, targets, etc., in his area after shooting.
  10. All persons shooting must be range masters and possess a valid membership card, or be accompanied by a range master during open hours. Non-members must be cleared before entering and pay the $5.00 daily usage fee. Unaccompanied non-members are trespassers and are subject to prosecution.
  11. Be respectful of other shooters.

The continued use of this facility is dependent upon the actions of the members of the BEWF. Improper use could seriously jeopardize the future use of this range. Persons in violation of the above rules will have their day use or membership privileges terminated and may face prosecution.

Protect your range! Report violators (name, license number, date, time) to Al Smart, (435) 723-5711. Report vandalism to the Box Elder County Sheriff's office at (435) 734-3800.

Tremonton Range  http://bewf.org/rd_di.gif

The Tremonton Range is located at the top of the old county landfill/gravel pit in Tremonton. Exit freeway at Road Sheds. Go to the county road, northbound, on the west side of the freeway. Follow the access road west of the freeway to the next overpass north of the Road Sheds. Go across this overpass to the east side of the freeway where you will find a locked gate. Enter the gate, bear to the right around the hillside and go to the top of the mountain where you will find another locked gate. The firing range is just beyond the second locked gate.


Gun Range Rules---Tremonton Range

***Hours of operation:

Monday thru Friday after 3:30 during the winter daylight savings time.

Monday thru Thursday after 5:30 summer daylight savings time, Friday all day.

Saturday and Sunday all daylight hours.***

***Lock gate after entering and upon leaving***

The basic Range Rules are as follow:

  1. Targets only on the established shooting areas, do NOT go off the range to place targets.
  2. Only paper and cardboard targets properly posted are allowed.
  3. All shooting must be accomplished in a safe and responsible manner.
    1. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction
    2. Always keep your finger OFF the trigger until ready to fire.
    3. Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
    4. Always be sure of your target and what is beyond.
    5. All firearms behind the firing line must be unloaded.
    6. All shooting must be done within the marked shooting lanes, and at the established target area with proper targets.
    7. All firing will cease and firearms actions will be cleared whenever targets are being changed or inspected along the firing line.
    8. Hearing and ear protection are recommended.
    9. Safety and common sense must be practiced at all times.
    10. NO alcoholic beverages are allowed in the range.
    11. NO tracer or armor piercing ammunition is allowed on the range.
    12. Do not shoot at the support posts for the target boards.
  4. No Bottles, cans, boxes or junk may be used for targets. Anyone using glass/boxes/junk, or leaving a mess will forfeit their membership.
  5. Each shooter is responsible for cleaning up brass, targets, etc., in his area after shooting.
  6. All persons shooting must possess a valid membership card. Non-members must be cleared before entering and pay the $5.00 daily usage fee. Unaccompanied non-members are trespassers and are subject to prosecution.
  7. Be respectful of other shooters.

The continued use of this facility is dependent upon the actions of the members of the BEWF. Improper use could seriously jeopardize the future use of this range. Persons in violation of our rules will have their day use or membership privileges terminated, and may face prosecution.

Protect your range! Report violators (name, license number, date, time) to Al Smart, (435) 723-5711. Report vandalism to the Box Elder County Sheriff's office at (435) 734-3800.




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