Jan. 15 1953. Amended: Jan. 1 1958, Jan. 1 1964, Mar. 9 1976, Feb. 13
Mar. 11 1997, Mar. 11 2003 July 11 2006, Mar 13 2012
Objectives of the Box Elder Wildlife Federation, Inc. shall be as follows:
This Federation shall be organized and operated according to the following
Non-game & Predators Small Game
Big Game Water Fowl
Fish Education and Conversation
Publicity and Membership Gun Range & Safety
a. President – Shall preside at all meetings of the federation and shall see that the by-laws and the rules and regulations, as may be adopted by the directors, are rigidly enforced. The President shall have general supervision of the affairs of the federation and, at the annual membership meeting, shall make a report of the accounts and general concerns of the federation during his term as president. The President and Treasurer shall sign all checks jointly.
b. Vice-President – Shall, in the absence of the president, preside at all meetings and shall be vested with the authority to perform all duties required of the president, including signing of checks.
c. Directors – Shall regulate the affairs of the organization to the best of their judgment. They shall be appraised at directors meetings of all expenditures and shall constitute the ruling and governing body of the federation. Board of Directors voting shall be two-thirds vote of the BOD members order to establish a quorum, a motion must receive at least 3 votes to pass. They shall also have the power to fill all vacancies when they occur whether among the officers or directors of the federation. The directors shall meet regularly each month and otherwise as needed.
d. Secretary – Shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the federation and the directors and shall also have general charge of the books and accounts of the federation. The secretary shall maintain the official correspondence of the federation, submit a statement of accounts at directors meetings, and keep an itemized list of properties and price of all properties belonging to the federation.
e. Treasurer – Shall receive all monies and issue a receipt for it and shall deposit all monies in the designated account to the credit of the Box Elder Wildlife Federation, Inc. The treasurer shall furnish the secretary with a detailed financial report at each directors meeting.
f. Immediate Past-President – Shall act as an advisory member to the president and directors. He shall not have a vote in quorum.
1. At the beginning of each year the President, Secretary and Treasurer shall receive a gift membership for their term of office.
2. Annual membership dues shall be determined at the direction of the board of directors prior to the annual membership renewal date July 1. All memberships shall expire June 30. Applications for membership will be accepted anytime during the year.
3. Immediate family membership is available at a reduced cost. A numbered membership card shall be issued to each member. Members may purchase Guest memberships which will allow a single guest accompany the member to the Gun Range for one day. The membership fees list will be an addendum to the normal bylaws and noted as such to be recorded as to set fees annually and discounts as the boards discretion.
4. The annual meeting and general election for all officers of this federation shall be held within the first three weeks of January. Such meetings are to be advertised appropriately in advance. A nominating committee of officers (President, Vice-President, and Directors) will interview and nominate two or more candidates for each office, if possible, from the membership at least two weeks before such meeting. Ballots will be printed with space for write in candidates from the floor. The president will conduct the election.
5. Amendments to the by-laws may be made at any regular meeting or special meeting called for that purpose, by a two-thirds vote of members present or two thirds of mailed ballots returned. But no amendment shall be in order unless a copy thereof shall have been furnished to the secretary at least two weeks before such meeting and the secretary shall have all proposed amendments provided to the membership at least one week prior to such meeting. A copy of an amendment to an amendment must be filled with the secretary three days before such meeting.
6. The accounts of the Federation are to be audited by committee of two or more directors selected by the board, within two weeks after each annual meeting, and the findings thereof shall be presented to the new officers and directors.
7. Any officer or director of the Box Elder Wildlife Federation, inc. that is convicted of a game violation will be automatically suspended from office, and a replacement will be appointed by the President with the approval of a majority of the directors. Any member that is convicted of a game violation will have their membership suspended for one year or longer if so determined by the directors.
8. The President shall have the authority to make special appointments as required. Appointees may be invited to attend directors meetings, but shall have no vote.
Annual Membership Fees are as follows:
Non NRA Members $60.00 (includes spouse)
NRA Member $40.00 (includes spouse)
Additional immediate family members $5.00
Range master (hat)(mantua range) $5.00
(Must be a Range Master or accompanied by a Range Master to shoot at the mantua range)
(Onetime fee unless new hat is requested. That would be another $5.00 for a new hat)
NOTE: Any change to membership fees (i.e. lower fee due to range cleanup and /or work efforts, awarded or fee memberships) or other discounts will ONLY be given by the Officers and/or Board of Directors at the time of Membership or Renewal. These fees of discounts will not be published.
The above fees are effective and will remain in effect until changes by the Officers/Board of Directors.